
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Kate's First Ballet Class

Katelyn started Ballet and Tap classes on Monday, Jan. 8, 2007. She is a natural! Now Mommy has to learn all the Balley terms so I can try to help her practice! Oh my, do I have lots to learn!


Ricky and Beth Allison said...

Kate is so precious! She is going to be a beautiful ballerina! I can't wait for the recital!

aevans said...

New update on Kate's dance class. Her teacher has decided it best that Katelyn just enjoy dancing this semester so she doesnt feel pressured to learn the dance moves.....and not be in the recital! In other words, Kate is not advancing well and she would rather her not appear in the recital with the other children.
:( She would have been so cute. I do not think she would have done it, though. She would have been too shy!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you decided to let her just enjoy dance class and not take her out. I would love to go to one of her classes and watch.
Aunt Barbara