
Saturday, January 12, 2008


Something you may find weird...but that has fascinated me for the past year of my life, is how shoes end up on the side of the road. I started noticing shoes...lots of shoes, just scattered through-out Chattanooga on the side of the roads. How does something so strange happen. I envision Chattanoogians with their red-neck feet hanging out the passenger side window and their shoe flying off and hitting the windshield of the car behind them! This could be dangerous! I wonder if this event has ever caused a 52 car pile up! So I wanted to share with you, that I am not making this up... Whether the shoes cause pile ups or not is another story but some how they find their way to the side of the road frequently. I have not convinced Aaron of this yet, but I am a true believer that there are millions of shoes lost, without a mate all across the world. I will not be able to find all the shoes around the world on my own but I will prove to you and America that in Chattanooga, it is a mass occurrence! If you ever find one for yourself, please send me a picture. I want to write a book about this!

Shoe Number 1 was found on Igou Gap Rd.

Shoe Number 2 was found on East Brainerd Road.

Shoe Number 3 was found on East Brainerd Road, near E. Brainerd Elementary. what do you think. And I have two more shoes I have found saved on my cell phone.

Not to count all the shoes I have seen and haven't been able to get a picture of.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We go to Cataloochie alot. Taylor and Matthew like to snowboard. Katelyn looks like your mini me. She is sooo cute!!! love ya. Jessica